THOUGHTS = POWER: YOUR THOUGHTS Are the Key to Using the Law of Attraction

Valentine deFrancis’ test results have shown that every thought we have will manifest itself if focused upon for minimum of three days. Take deliberate control of your thoughts and watch your desires come to pass . . .

Hey, guys. I hope everyone had a happy and productive weekend. Before I get started, I want to thank each of you for reading my posts and emailing me your questions concerning the law of attraction. It fills me with a great sense of purpose to know that I can share my knowledge with those of you who really want to learn about your minds. That being said, I want to quickly touch base on the law of attraction and what it actually means. I’m not going to delve into this too deeply as I had written several articles about it over the last few months. If you need to, you can catch-up by scrolling through my blog archives, which are to the right of this post.

Okay. The law of attraction (which by the way is a term recently made famous by Rhonda Byrne in her mega-successful book, The Secret) is a natural phenomenon or universal law which states that like attracts the like or, what you think will attract the things you think of. As with the other universal laws, such as gravity and math, the law of attraction, or the law of creating through vibration, is something that not many people know about or give their attention to. The average person doesn’t question their physiological and mental processes. All they know is that they were born, learned to speak and walk, and grew into adults who have their own set of beliefs. They live each day without questioning why they are the way they are. They don’t give special attention to their chattering minds because their mental chatter to them was always there–always a part of them–from the moment they realized that it was there.

But! and this is where it gets a tad tricky, your thoughts aren’t just some “chattering, fleeting things” that are in your brain. In fact, they’re not your brain, despite what the majority of humans believe. So what are thoughts?

I’m going to explain what a thought is in my own words. Take note that I’m writing this in the most simplistic way I can; using rudimentary terms in order for you to understand it. It’s not that I think you’re incapable of understanding scientific jargon. It’s just that I don’t believe in writing an article using words that most people don’t use. I want you to read my work with ease. I want you to get it. I write the way I like to read; and that’s with using everyday language. Hey, we’re not all scholars ya know. Okay, so, what are thoughts?

Well, there are two kinds of thoughts. There are your conscious, chattering thoughts that you’re aware of most of the time. And then there’s your unconscious thoughts, which you’re never aware of unless you have a reason to dig them up. Before I get into each of these, I can give you the scientific and psychological definition of thought straight from Wikipedia . . .

“Thought” generally refers to any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual’s subjective consciousness. It can refer either to the act of thinking or the resulting ideas or arrangements of ideas. Similar concepts include cognition, sentience, consciousness, and imagination.[1] Because thought underlies almost all human actions and interactions, understanding its physical and metaphysical origins, processes, and effects has been a longstanding goal of many academic disciplines including, among others, biology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology.


I can explain what a thought is by using everyday examples which you’d be more apt to relate to.

First and foremost, your thoughts, conscious and unconscious, are a deeper part of you which serves the purpose of creating your outer life experience. Yep, that’s correct; cre–a–ting your outer life experience. But how do thoughts create? What do thoughts create? And when do thoughts create? Let’s begin with your conscious, everyday mind chatter. It’s like this:

The chatter that you’ve come to know, that you never question, is the very essence of being conscious. Being conscious simply means that you are alert to the world around you. From the moment you were born, you were thinking, and as you began to grow, your thinking began to include pictures and images, which were taught to you by mom and dad. They probably dangled a rubber duckie in front of your face and said, “Duckie? Say Duckie for mommy.”

Sound familiar?

So, through your growing process, words became associated with pictures; hence, when you think, you think in pictures and symbols. Now. This mind chatter, your thinking process, does its thing non-stop. Ever notice that? Ever notice that when you go to bed at night, sometimes you can’t turn off your thoughts? Well, this mind chatter or non-stop thinking is the very essence with which you make choices, take action, plan your life, and think up vengeful plots. Your thoughts are the thing inside of your being which make you, you, and which make you alive, and which make you a part of existence. Your thoughts define you because of where they lead you in life. BUT! your thoughts aren’t always right. They aren’t always nice. They aren’t always beneficial. They can be mean–spirited, negative, nasty, and damaging. But most importantly; they can be totally untrue. Yes, we have thoughts that feed into our already–untrue–beliefs that are buried into our subconscious minds. And it’s this lower mind that provokes us into action.

For those of you who don’t know what a subconscious mind is, it’s the deeper mind that regulates our entire physiological system, or in other words, our autonomic system. In other words: how does the heart know how to pump blood? How do our cuts and bruises know how to heal? How does our body know to grow hair, eliminate waste? How do we know to breathe? Our subconscious mind is in charge of all of our bodies’ functions. We never have to think about it. I mean, seriously. Could you imagine having to remember to breathe?

Our subconscious is at the steering wheel, guiding us on a deeper level; but from the beginning of our lives, it knows to take orders from the captain at the helm; from our conscious thoughts.

Let me explain: You must keep in mind that this is all happening from the time of our births. Between the age of being born to the age of seven, is the mind’s most impressionable period. It absorbs all that it sees and hears. It forms opinions and beliefs based upon what it observes from those around it. It doesn’t know the difference between right or wrong or good or bad. It just sees its caretakers, mom and dad, doing things and acting a certain way, and is picking up this information and storing it. As you get older, these things that were stored in your impressionable subconscious, cause you to act it out. And it will always have you act a certain way, depending upon what was impressed into it. As your dual mind continues to function, it will also cause you to seek out situations to validate its beliefs; meaning, if it believes that you’re a worthless bum, it will see to it that you’ll do things that will make you a failure. You may not want to believe that you want to be a failure, but if it’s stored below, you will always sabotage yourself, without fail–all from thinking negative thoughts. And these thoughts are so fleeting, yet so detrimental, that you don’t catch yourself thinking them. But you do think them. It all happens so fast, that you aren’t even aware of it. And as you think these negative things on a conscious level, (despite not catching yourself doing it) what you’re actually doing is re-affirming its importance; thus soon, you’ll be deliberately failing. As you have these fleeting negative conscious thoughts, they’re sinking down to the subconscious and saying, “Okay. I’m worthless. You heard my thoughts. I’m a failure. Now direct my actions to fail so that I can be validated as a failure.”

It’s an extremely vicious cycle. Our subconscious is where all our core beliefs about life and about ourselves are stored. And it’s these beliefs, that many times, can be nothing but lies that were generated through life experiences. Having enough of these bad life experiences made the lie your truth. I’ll give you a small example of an unconscious lie.

Let’s say that while you were growing up, you were bad in math. Your father, a CPA, and your mother, a teacher, were upset and yelled at you. They may have said, “You’re going to be a stock boy if you don’t get your math grades up.” They may have said, “You’re worthless. You’ll be a failure, like Uncle Buck.”

Hearing them tear you down makes you feel inadequate. You start to believe you can’t live up to their expectations. After enough times of hearing that you’re nothing but a failure, you begin to believe it; and therefore, you begin to act it out–with the guidance of the subconscious mind. So what happens to you after hearing this most of your young life? Well, your parents’ harmful and destructive words have embedded themselves into your thoughts; and after hearing their harmful words enough times, you consciously tell yourself that you can’t do anything right; which re-affirms what’s already stored in your subconscious mind. And as you go about your life, becoming an adult who is out in the work force, it’s this unconscious belief that you’re a complete failure that governs the direction of your life; making you take actions that will further validate that you’re a complete failure. And as you continue to fail, you consciously tell yourself that you are nothing but a failure, which is then re-affirming what the subconscious has stored, which then directs you to fail–every single time.

Ever notice that you can’t get past a certain level at your job? Or you can’t seem to get to the point of finishing something, like school, for example? You may be just at the brink of success, but then something always keeps you from succeeding? Well, it’s your subconscious beliefs, which were originally created by thoughts, that dictate what you are and what you’ll become. No matter what you tell yourself on the conscious level (your thoughts), you’ll always be directed to take action to validate the truth that’s stored in the subconscious mind. Bottom line?

If you think negative, destructive thoughts, you are confirming what is stored on an unconscious level. And since your thoughts are the captain at the helm, and since they validate what’s stored subconsciously, your subconscious will direct you to take an action that will lead you to fail. ISN’T THIS HORRIBLE? It is, but this is the way it works.

So, what’s the bottom line? The bottom line is that one must learn what their subconscious believes, so that they can change their conscious thoughts toward good thoughts, all with the hope of creating new and wonderful beliefs about themselves. Because now, here’s the kicker: thoughts, negative and positive, good or bad, fear based, anxiety based, health based, or abundance based, not only reach the subconscious mind and create more of what you’re thinking, they exude your being and go into the universe and attract its vibrational equivalent. And this is what the law of attraction is all about.

Think, and you will have.

With me so far? I’ll continue during the week. Think on this and if you have questions, you know what to do.


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