#Angels #Miracles

Angel message for July 16, 2014

A situation is unavoidable. You envision the worst; however, you must step through it because it must happen. If you think it through, you will realize that if it works in your favor, it was meant to be. If it doesn’t work in your favor, something bigger and better is meant to come along in its proper time.
Don’t allow the fear of “what if” to keep you from moving forward. Move. It’s what you’re supposed to do.

How Does A Person Get Faith?


Outside the church, the air was brisk and salty. I pulled my heavy sweater closer to my chest and looked up at the sky for an answer.
Darcy was next to me checking her cell phone. After noticing that she didn’t have any messages, she closed it and turned to me.
“Listen, Val. I understand what you mean about belief, but I don’t have any belief. I can’t just pull it out of the thin air.”
I let out a sarcastic huff and nodded. “You’re preaching to the choir, Darcy. I know what you mean. Developing belief is about knowing who you are and what you’re capable of doing. It’s like faith, you know, it’s like belief.”
“Faith?” she quipped. “No, I don’t think faith is the same as belief.”
I let out a deep breath and looked to the sky for the best way to explain this. “Well,” I said, choosing my words carefully, “I know that the masters would argue that belief and faith are separate paradigms, but I’d argue that they’re one and the same.”
“How?” she said, looking at me curiously. “Explain how belief and faith are the same?”
I turned away from the front of the church and looked across the parking lot at the Atlantic Ocean. “Let’s go over to the water. I want to show you something.”
As we got up to the entrance of the beach, I said, “Do you see the beach?” I pointed across the dramatic expanse.
She gave me a curious smirk. “Of course, I see it,” she said.
“When you’re away from the beach, do you know that it still exists?”
She nodded. “Yes, of course, I do.”
“So, then, by the fact that you’ve seen the beach many times in your life, you have a firm belief that it exists, correct?”
Again, she nodded. “Yeah, I know without a shred of doubt.”
“If I ask you, ‘Would the ocean be here tomorrow?’ what would you say?”
She looked out into the sea and said, “Yes, of course it would.”
“And how do you know that?” I asked.
She gave a non-committing shrug. “Because I know. I’ve seen it hundreds of times, and I know it exists.”
“So, then, not only do you believe it, you know it, and you trust that it will be there. And you know it will be there tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that. You have faith that it will, right?”
Again, she looked at me as though I was giving her a trick question and nodded. “Ah, I see where you’re going with this. To answer you, yes, I do have faith. I have belief. Are you saying they are interchangeable?”
“Yep, that’s what I’m saying. The Bible’s definition of faith goes something like this, ‘Faith is the evidence of that which is not seen’. But, what I’m saying is in order to have faith, belief must be established prior to it. When you were growing up, you probably had it pounded into your head that God exists. You never saw God, but because it was pounded into your head, you came to believe in Him, even though you’ve never experienced Him firsthand. So when something good happens, you and your parents say, ‘Praise God’ for the miracle. The miracle then becomes the evidence or the product of that which you couldn’t see. And you say that you have faith.
“You were brainwashed into believing in something that you’ve never seen or felt. You can call it faith or you can call it a belief. For me, it’s all about knowing. And you can’t truly believe if you don’t know. You have seen the ocean. And by seeing it, you believe it’s there. And you have trust that it will be there tomorrow, even though you probably won’t see it tomorrow. So you could say that you have belief or faith that the ocean will be here tomorrow, right? Aren’t they then interchangeable?”
“Yes, they are. You make a really good point.”
“Look, Darcy. For me, belief is something that can change. One day you can believe in the goodness of people but that could change if someone hurts you. You could also believe in God until something goes wrong and He doesn’t come through for you, like what happened to me. As you grow and experience life’s lessons, what doesn’t suit you will be eliminated from your belief system. And that is perfectly fine. Belief is established when you want something to happen and it happens. And if you put your faith in a person who you’ve trusted and whom you know you can count on, aren’t you really saying that you believe without a doubt that that person will always be there for you, even if you don’t always see proof of them being around?
“So, then, what’s the difference between the two? When you have faith, you believe in something; when you believe, you have faith in it. My question is how does a person have a true belief in anything if they haven’t established witnessing the first cause? Unshakeable belief is established after you’ve witnessed the first cause. Faith and belief stem from the first experience of that in question.”
“Gosh, Val, you’re right. I never thought of it like that. You really gave me something to think about. There isn’t any difference.”
“Well, there isn’t, but when someone comes along and tells you to put your faith in that which you have never seen, how do you do that?”
She threw her hands in the air and bobbed her head. “Thank you! That’s what I’m trying to say. How can I believe in something that I’ve never seen or heard?”
I smiled and said, “You don’t, not at this stage of your life, not without investigating it.”
“And how do you do that?” she said, once again throwing her arms over her head in total frustration.
“By asking God to show you, that’s how.”
“Okay, you have to back up a minute. Explain this to me.”
Through an exasperated breath I said, “Darcy, listen. Before I made my connection, I didn’t believe in anything—not spirits, not ghosts, and not even God. Then I had a very desperate moment, and I begged for proof. I begged for something to believe in. Because let’s face it—many humans say they have belief—they say they have faith, but deep down, they don’t. Right?”
“Well, I always believed in God,” she said.
“Oh really? Why? Because you went to Catholic school and your parents believed in God? Because you had it drilled into your head from the time you were old enough to speak? Because you were brainwashed into having the faith that something existed without seeing it? Then throughout your life when you called on that which you had never seen, and it didn’t answer you, it rattled your faith? Right now, right this very minute, prove to me that God exists. Tell me something, tell me anything, that makes you have the faith in His existence.”
She cocked her head and narrowed her eyes and looked at me with suspicion. “This is another trick question, isn’t it?” she chortled.
I shrugged.
She let out a deep breath and nodded, taking on the challenge. “Well,” she began, “I know that God exists. That’s without a doubt.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I just know.”
“But how do you know?” I pressed. “Where is God? Have you had any experiences with God where you can claim, as fact, that your proof or evidence of His existence came from Him? What makes you know this?”
Suddenly her smile went taut, and her eyes turned glassy, and without warning, tears filled her eyes. “Darcy, don’t cry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you this upset.”
Her tears were now falling down her cheeks, and she just let them. “Val, I don’t have an answer and I don’t know. And to be honest, there have been many times when I doubted God’s existence but felt guilty for doing so. You’re right. I can’t prove it. I don’t have that deep unwavering knowingness. I don’t have total belief. I guess I don’t have faith.”
I gave a sympathetic shrug and a small smile. “But I do,” I said. “And I didn’t just get it by having it pounded into my freakin’ head. I got it by asking for it. I got it by going within and seeking it. I asked, and I received. And that’s how I got my proof of that which I can’t see. That’s how I got my faith.”
She pulled both sleeves of her light jacket over her hands and wiped her face. “Teach me,” she said. “I want to know more.”
“Teach you?” I repeated.
I looked back to the ocean and asked myself, Am I the one to do this? And I heard, Yes, you are.

House of Intention–my obsession into the deep

House of Intention–my obsession into the deep

‘Master of the Realm is an amazing true story about a young woman’s relapse with agoraphobia and the supernatural signs she begins to receive when she begs God for His help.’ 

Master of the Realm was just the beginning. It was the stepping stone for greater things. Writing it was not only cathartic, it was a lesson. Since publishing it, not only have God’s signs gotten bigger, more powerful, and twice as meaningful, the whole ordeal got me to study the one thing people fear the most, and that’s death.

As you read House of Intention, please allow yourself to drift into the unknown. Give yourself permission to ponder the idea that every element of life, every breath of it, each atom that makes up each living cell, is about you, your soul, the other side, and God. That’s it. There is nothing else in this existence that matters other than yourself and the very fact that your mind creates your life.                                 

                                                                                            Valentine deFrancis

Master of the Realm is Free on Amazon today

I told you I’d give you a free download of Master of the Realm, and I’m a person who keeps her word. For today and tomorrow you’ll be able to download your free copy of Master of the Realm on Amazon. Consider it my late Valentine’s Day present to you

To download your copy, you can just go to Amazon. Here’s the link http://www.amazon.com/Master-of-the-Realm-ebook/dp/B00AAJG59Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361792717&sr=8-1&keywords=master+of+the+realm


It’s a Freakin’ Lie

I’ve uncovered a truth to one of the biggest lies perpetuated by man. The lie is: if something good happens then something bad must happen to offset it. Not only is this the biggest crock of shit that I’ve ever heard, the fact that no one has written about it tells me that perhaps no one has given it sufficient thought–until now.

The best way for me to explain this will require you to search your memory. I want you to think back to when you were a kid. Think back to the fun you had with your friends. Think back to how you couldn’t wait to see them every day. Remember all the excitement you felt when playing games with them, going to events, roller skating, swimming in the lake, just having fun. Back then, even if you had a fight with a friend, you still couldn’t wait to get up and go have fun with your friends. Even if you fell while roller skating and hurt your knee, you still couldn’t wait to go out with your friends. Even if you had a cold or flu, you still wanted to play with your friends. There was no stopping you from being outdoors and having fun with your friends. Those days and those times were the best. We didn’t know about fears. We didn’t know about negativities. We only knew that we wanted to have fun, and we let nothing hold us down. We didn’t know things such as: well, if today is a great day then that must mean tomorrow will be a bad day because that’s how life works. HELL NO! We did not know of such things. No one told us of such things. We didn’t have the belief system of such things. And that’s why we were happy. We lived for just being who were were. We lived for the moment. We had one-track minds that said, I want to play! We didn’t go home at the end of our day and say, “Shit, I had a great day. I sure hope I don’t have a messed up day tomorrow.”

We didn’t say these things. We didn’t think these things. Therefore, we lived each day having fun, blowing off the bad parts, not knowing that they were bad parts, and just did what we were born to do. All our days were good days. Even bad days were good days. We did not differentiate. We didn’t know to differentiate. Therefore, we were happy. We didn’t sabotage ourselves with the lie that states all good days must be offset with bad days.

When we were kids, we had fun. We went to bed with fun on our minds. We woke up with fun on our minds. We created fun. We played various games which required the use of our imaginations. We were kings and queens and warriors and martians and supermodels, and astronauts. We played and pretended and for us, life was grand. We attracted fun every single day, and we did this because we didn’t know to do different.

Enter our early twenties . . .

As we got older and took on more responsibilities, our well-meaning parents tried to instill values that would protect and benefit us. Their values were taught to them by their parents, which eventually turned into their own beliefs, which then became a life condition for them which attracted all situations that validated their core beliefs. Our well-meaning parents wanted to instill these core beliefs into us in order to benefit us down the road.

They told us things such as: don’t get your hopes up because if things don’t work out, you’ll end up heart broken and disappointed. They told us that in order to appreciate the good the bad has to happen. They told us that if we keep a happy perspective then people will think we’re pushovers and try to use us. It was one well-meaning lie after another which then became our beliefs. It ruined us.

As an adult, did you ever have a great day then suddenly catch yourself thinking: this is too good to be true? Something bad is going to happen. Did you ever feel afraid to feel good because you were afraid of jinxing yourself? Did you ever think that if you had a great day then a bad day will follow because that’s the way of the world?
If you’ve thought these things, I’m here to tell you they are nothing but lies perpetuated from people who were learning it from their ancestors.

The truth is: we are born with the knowledge that we can overcome anything through the use of our minds, and we are supposed to use this to our advantage. We are to keep the mind of a child in order to let the drama roll off our shoulders so that we can look forward to another day. If what I’m saying isn’t true then children wouldn’t be able to play with joy and freedom of expression. If what I’m saying isn’t true, then children would be neurotic messes at the age of five. The average child lives their life in creative bliss. They do not know to worry about having bad days. This is something that GETS LEARNED DOWN THE ROAD. It’s a lie and it can be stopped right now.

Why would you want to stop this line of thinking?

Here’s an example which will get my point across. Let’s say you had a job interview and it went extremely well. But after leaving the interview and not hearing back from the interviewer for a couple of days, you begin to panic. You begin to think: I knew it went too well. I knew I shouldn’t have been so happy. I never should have told all my friends that the job was in the bag. Does this sound familiar?

If you take a child or youngster to the park and they get into a fight with another kid, you don’t hear them saying: I knew I shouldn’t have gone to the park today. Now look at what happened.

Do you see what I mean? If we attach a negative connotation to something we deemed good, then we most likely will attract that negative connotation. Why is that negative connotation there in the first place? Because we learned it. It’s not inherent. It was observed by us and then became our way of life.

It’s all a lie. We don’t want to attach a negative feeling to something good. That is called sabotage. We want to keep the mind of a child and let the good feeling fester and bubble-up in our hearts and minds. We want to keep it because if we do, we will attract more good things. If we could keep the mind of a child when something not so good happens, we can let that not so good incident simply roll off our shoulders and still be happy. We need to know this.

We need to search our hearts and let this be understood. In life we learn that to appreciate the good, we must know the bad. Yes. I believe this. BUT where is it written that every good deed, good day, good moment must be followed by a bad one? It’s not written anywhere. It’s all made up.

Go live like a child and start feeling the joy of just being who you truly are!

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Sabotage is one of those words that make most of us cringe. When I think of the word sabotage, I think of people deliberately trying to screw up my life. But then I got to learning. And when I found out that we sabotage our own lives, I thought, hmmm. I better look into this.

Most of you know that I’ve studied the subconscious mind for a gazillion years, and I continue to do so everyday. So when I delved into the Law of Attraction, the Law of Cause and Effect, and a few other universal laws, I came to validate, through these studies and through my own findings and experiences, that we DO sabotage ourselves all day long. But how?

I’m an advocate for learning about “self”. To go through life with blinders on isn’t a productive way to live. When bad situations come our way, we tend to think it’s the outside world doing something to us. We believe that the world is wrong and that people, and God, are against us. It’s never our fault; it’s always someone elses. Well guess what? It is our fault. We are the ones causing our own grief. And I realize when I say this that some of you may click off this blog because you don’t want to believe or accept that you are creating your own strife. But I’m okay with that. Because I know the truth of how the mind works, and by practicing certain principals and digging deep to find answers, I’m living proof of how we can climb the ladder of success in order to have happy lives.

You see, life is an extremely tricky and difficult existence when you stay complacent. Life can be torture if you don’t question your existence. Life can even be not worth living if we don’t challenge ourselves to find our purpose. So, how is it that we come to sabotage ourselves?

We want good things. We want money. We want love. We want health. We tell ourselves all day long that we want. So why aren’t we getting what we want? What is keeping the marvels of life at a distance?

The answer . . . our underlying beliefs.

Now, this is not a small issue. Our core beliefs are established between infancy and approxiamtely seven years of age. It’s during these critical years that our subconscious is open to full suggestion. We’re not living with defense mechanisms. We don’t have our ego-based guards up. We observe and soak up all the events and emotions of those around us. We watch them. We listen. And then we mimick. And it’s these observations which then become our realities.

If we live in a household of fighting parents who argue over money and say negative things about money, we are going to absorb this and make it our belief. If we observe our parents drinking and getting drunk, smoking or getting high, or doing other things that aren’t going to be of good service to us down the road, we’re going to take it in without question; believing that this is the way of life. As we grow up, and continue to see this behavior from our parents or surroundings, not only have we established the core belief that marriage sucks, it’s okay to smoke, only the rich get richer, money is evil, pot is okay for your health, to be drunk all day is okay if my mother or father is doing it; fighting is how to live; we will unconsciously believe it; and therefore do one of two things; live it or be so frightented by it that we go the other way. Why?

Because our subconscious is similiar to a computer. Our subconscious stores the program that runs our behavior and direction. All our early beliefs about life have been fed into it by our observations, and now, the subconscious runs this program and will continue to do so until we change the program—which may be never if we don’t learn about ourselves.

If you have a computer, you know the computer runs the software that’s been installed. And the computer doesn’t know to do anything other than run what’s been installed. We cannot change this fact; just like we cannot change how our mental computer runs its software. Right?

But what happens if we change the software on our computer? We get a different program. We get a different outcome. Whatever software we install is what the computer spits out.

So think of our core beliefs as the software which our subconscious computer runs. Our core beliefs are running all day long, and its Godly design is to seek out validation (output, manifestation) of these beliefs from the outside world—NO MATTER WHAT WE CONSCIOUSLY believe. In other words, if we’ve watched and observed our parents fighting over money, and heard them saying that money is evil and causes nothing but problems, and that only the rich get rich and life is unfair, AND then watched how they have struggled to make ends meet, more than likely we will have the core belief that money is evil. Now, if we have this core belief, and if we’ve watched our parents struggle, then we’ve made an unconscious correlation that to have money is evil and to struggle is the only way to earn a living. Now keep in mind that this IS YOUR SOFTWARE, and since it’s the subconscious’ job to seek out validation of its beliefs, it does, and it will deliver to you circumstances and situations to line up with its beliefs. Whatever its beliefs are.

So let’s say you want a job and you line up this great interview. You prepare. You’re ready. You’re going to get this job; at least that’s what you consciously tell yourself. But on the day of your interview, you’re late. On the day of the interview, you mess up. On the day of the interview, you say the wrong thing. You don’t understand how it happened. You didn’t mean to say the answers you gave. You didn’t mean to get there late. What went wrong?

You sabotaged yourself unknowingly. In your thinking, you wanted the job. In your thinking, you deserved the job; but subconsciously you didn’t believe you were worth it. Subconsciously you believed that you must struggle in order to earn a living. Subconsciously you believed that money is evil. And since the subconscious is Godly designed to deliver your beliefs by seeking out all situations and circumstances, by exuding these energy beliefs into the universe, you attract that which you subconsciously believe; no matter what you think you believe.

How do we know what we subconsciously believe? Stop what you’re doing and look around your house or apartment. Go to your window and look out. Look at your car. Do you have a car? Look at your neighborhood. Is this where you want to live. Look at your job, your friends, your relationship, your money situation. Is your life where you want it to be? Are you thin and healthy? If you answer no to these questions, despite that you want all these good things, then your core belief is that you don’t deserve these good things, for whatever reasons that were installed.

There are ways to find out what your core beliefs are. There’s muscle testing, various lines of questioning, meditation, all types of ways to find out what you really believe. Simply put, sit quietly for several minutes and when your mind is quiet ask yourself: why don’t I have money? Why is it just when I’m at the brink of success something derails me? Ask, and you will get the answers. Why will you get the answers? BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE CREATED TO DO: TO SEEK ANSWERS in order to evolve into the image you were created in.

We are made in God’s image; which simply means that we are designed by nature to have it all. We are designed by nature to seek answers. We are designed to evolve into God’s image.

So. Are you telling yourself one thing and getting something else? It’s about time to find out.

We’re Born to Die


There’s only one thing in life that is true for every human on the planet, and that is, we’re born to die.

Why I was chosen to tell you this had me baffled at the time, and if anyone would have told me that my soul’s mission was to deliver this universal truth to mankind, I would have laughed and waved them away.  But here I am, detached from your world, about to embark on a journey that to most humans would seem utterly unfathomable.  But, getting back to this truth . . . It’s something that you need to know. Understanding and accepting it won’t be easy, as it’ll go against everything you’ve been conditioned to believe. Even my students at Columbia had a difficult time understanding it, and it was pounded into their heads every day. Explaining to them that we’re born to die, and that death is what we aspire to, was like trying to explain calculus to an infant: it wasn’t happening. It’s not that they weren’t fascinated or interested in learning it; they just couldn’t grasp the concept. Of course, while teaching them, they continually hounded me to present proof, but I had no literal proof at the time, as no human does. But after studying the greatest scholars and spiritual teachers, and after traveling around the world to further my studies, I formulated a belief based upon my experiences, and that belief is: there is life after death.

And I was correct.

It was Thursday, May 3, 7:52 a.m. when they pulled the plug and declared me officially dead. But I was gone long before that. You see, when a person’s hooked-up to a life support system, it’s that system keeping their vitals alive. The spirit leaves the body before it shuts down. It knows its time is up. And that’s what happened with me. A blinding white light came into my view and when I focused on it, I was ripped out of my body. It was a moment of euphoric revelation and freedom, one that I’d like for you to envision.

I could actually feel myself rising out of the confines of my imprisonment; ripping away from my robe of flesh, separating from it, like a butterfly separating from its chrysalis.  Gone were the shackles that made me a slave to my own life; those hurts and fears that kept me unfulfilled and oppressed. I was now free from their captivity—my body left behind; that lifeless, disease-filled corpse which would soon be buried and forgotten.

Now I ask you: could any human know the exuberance of this freedom? Could they understand how a butterfly emerges from a creature that can only crawl—how its metamorphic frame can lift gracefully into the air with just the flutter of its parchment wings? My soul now understands that to be a butterfly, it must first know its beginning; the genesis of its existence and the many stages it must experience in order to arrive at its full enlightenment.

As I crossed into the dimension known as the other side, I was able to see into the life I left behind—into those endless corridors that I once roamed, searching for that one door that would open; that one door that would lead me to happiness. While alive, I couldn’t find the door; I was blinded by my struggles. But from where I am now, the truth is so clear: life isn’t a punishment that has a pointless ending. Life is for learning. It’s about rising above the atrocities and emotional pains that are self-inflicted and creating our reality from within. And death? Death is part of the reason why we’re born. It’s the prize we get for enduring the trials of life. It’s what we aspire to on an unconscious level—something that no human can escape. Death is our reprieve. It allows us to look back on our mistakes so that we can grow. And, as we cross back to our natural state of spirit, we remember this. But in the physical world, all this knowledge is forgotten. It’s pushed down and buried under layers of living—deeply filtered by our subconscious and ego. We lose our perfectness when we’re born into the physical world—to the point where we grow into hateful, vengeful, greedy beings—known as man.

You see, man was created in God’s image so that man would enhance God’s own existence; so that man would expand space and perpetuate realities through his thoughts. But the image that man was created in wasn’t just the physical aspect of God; it was the mental aspect—the workings of God’s mind . . . His ability to create. Yes, God gave man the whole package, and included in the package was the freedom to make his own decisions. It’s called free will. And even though God knew every thought and action that man would ever have, He didn’t interfere with his decisions. He let man make his mistakes. He had to; it was a part of the plan. He called it lessons, and without them, the soul wouldn’t be able to evolve to its full potential.

But despite man being created in God’s image, he wasn’t made perfect; although, man believed that he was. Man believed that he could outthink God. He believed that he was it. He believed that all his ideas and dreams were born only to him. But I’ll let you in on a secret. Every aspect of man’s mind, from the most darkest and inconceivable thoughts to the most ingenious ideas, have already been a thought in the mind of God. Even man’s emotions were given to him for a reason. He didn’t just summons them into his gut; they’re a part of his navigational system—to guide him. When man gets off track with God, he feels sadness and a lack of purpose. Man was supposed to question these feelings so that God could guide him onto his path, but he didn’t. Instead, he disillusioned himself into believing that his sadness was caused from an outside source, such as lack of money or lack of love, but that was just his ego masking the truth. Man didn’t want to accept that there was something bigger and better than him. And although he knew it deep down, he chose not to deal with it by telling himself that if God were real then life would be perfect; and this gave him the reason to keep his ego alive. It made him powerful. It made him feel in control. But deep within man’s soul was a fact that he would never understand while in the physical world: he only existed because he was a part of the plan.

Yes, God deliberately made man. He gave him the ability to create his outside world through his thoughts. He gave him the power to communicate with Him by using a special part of his brain—the part that’s hidden behind his eyes, located between the two hemispheres. It’s what the prophets spoke of for thousands of years. It’s called the Pineal, and it’s the key that unlocks supernatural doors, enabling man to cross the threshold of the physical world to step into the beyond.

You see, man always had the ability to connect with God while living in the physical world, but he chose not to figure it out; because figuring it out would make him work too hard for something that he wasn’t sure of—for something that he couldn’t see or touch. It was knowledge that was innate, just waiting to be tapped into. God didn’t want it kept as a secret. He wanted man to reach for Him for all his answers, but man didn’t. He chose to look elsewhere, and God knew that this would happen. He knew that man would take the ring and run with it, believing that he had all the control.

Man indulged his ego to the point of self destruction. He allowed money, sex, and power to dictate his life. He blamed his decisions on his right to pursue happiness. He told himself that he had to take care of number one. His hypocritical reasoning used the idea of God when his life was good, and when his life was in chaos, he blamed God for deserting him. Man became cocky and shunned the one thing that was there for him all along. Not only didn’t man revere God, he no longer believed in Him.

What I’m about to tell you may fill you with uncertainty and apprehension. God isn’t some celestial ruler created by a bunch of religious scholars. And while all you people have been living a lie, living in your ego-filled worlds, an ethereal plan has been unfolding; a plan that will make the Book of Revelations look like a child’s tale.

Know this: Man was given two paths to choose from. He listened to his ego. Now they’re both going to pay.



If Only

If Only

The meadow was open and endless,
the sense of tranquility whispering a secret
each step cushioned by thick, lustrous strands of green velvet
so damp and sweet
wild flowers growing unevenly in between
as white clouds hang low slowly blending
and all that can be felt is the certainty that speaks

ever-so softly in my mind

I just know

I walk alone surrounded in this surreal splendor
trying to comprehend the balance that truly does exist
trying to fathom perfection and the reason why we are here
and how the planets stay aligned
never falling from the universe that’s as dark as pitch
complimenting each other
the plan was too perfect to be a coincidence

The sun is comforting as the wind gently brushes my skin
and the only sound that I can hear is sweet and barely audible
stillness I think it is,
or perhaps the contentment that I feel
I’ve known this feeling
I’ve felt it once before
yet I can’t recall its connected bliss

There before me I see forever
Gardenias’ parfume flood my senses
days of standing at the dunes staring at the faraway places
recalling the recesses of my mind
a life left behind

The constant rush of memories in black and white
like faded pictures dusty and lost
they erode my fortress and carry it off into the sea
to the bottom
only to be conjured another time

Butterflies flutter past me
their parchment-like wings carry their metamorphic frames
and in slow motion I witness their angelic flight
just like the planets, they stay perfectly balanced in the stillness
while I walk past old tombstones chipped and white
weather beaten from centuries gone by
and I still can’t help but to wonder why

I reflect

I remember that I once walked this very field


The planets stay up in the heavens and never fall

they remain constant

as do I

MY BIG FAT Note to Self . . .

Life sure has its ways of messing with our heads, doesn’t it? One minute everything is going great–according to plan, and the next minute, it’s spiraling out of control. Somehow, things got screwed up. We’ve got problems with work, with friends, with our family . . . and let’s not forget money. What is it about life that leads us up and down that crazy path of uncertainty?

For most people, when life gets crazy and fills our heads with fears and negativity, we panic. We think back to what we could have done wrong, and we look for that negative “thing” that caused us all this grief. But I’m here to tell you that you didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t say anything that shouldn’t have been said. You didn’t react any other way than how you should have reacted. In other words, EVERYTHING you did, whether you think it was negative or not, was what you were supposed to do at that moment in time.

Now, I know what I’ve just said must sound totally insane and illogical, but I promise you, it’s not. Every little part of your life, every intricate detail of your being, every single speck of thought that you have, you have for a purpose, AND IT’S YOUR PURPOSE, AND RESPONSIBILITY, TO UNDERSTAND this very fact so that you could learn what’s good for your spirit in order to achieve total enlightenment.

So what exactly does this mean? It means that from the time you enter the physical world, until the time you exit the physical world, the ups and downs, the slings and arrows, were all a part of the lessons which your soul arranged prior to your birth. Yes, your soul arranged for these ups and downs to happen. If you can believe that you’ve planned out your life’s journey before you came into the physical world, and if you can let yourself play with the idea that perhaps your life, with all its struggles, was your own idea and choice, then you’re on your way to living the life you’ve always wanted. But how does this help you achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of having? It’s quite simple. YOU ARE NOT AT ANYONE’S MERCY.

It sounds almost contradictory if you think about it, but let me take this a step further to clarify what I mean. We plan our charted course before we come to the physical world, and the reason is so that we can feel ourselves; to actualize our desires and watch them manifest into tangible by-products of our imaginations: in other words, we come to the physical world to create, and to express that which we can’t in the spiritual realm. BUT, and here’s where it gets a little tricky–we, as creations of God, have free will, and having free will means that we can pick battles, dismiss our battles, or create new battles. We plan it all out before we’re born, but once we enter the physical world, we’re at the mercy of our surroundings up until the age of seven. All the information of who we really are is lost once we’re exposed to others’ thoughts and beliefs–and when I say others’, I’m referring to our parents.

Once we’re born, we aren’t able to negate the thoughts and beliefs of others. We aren’t physically and mentally equipped to do so. Everything we hear and see and feel is absorbed and set deep into our subconscious minds. Now here’s where free will comes in. Once we reach adulthood, it’s our purpose to find ourselves. It’s our purpose to deliberately seek answers. Yes, our paths have been set, but it’s up to us to figure it out; to reach deep within when the going gets rough, and to find out what our purpose is. It’s up to us to make the decision if we want to be at the mercy of others’ or if we want to take our lives into our own hands and ask God to guide us back to our charted paths.

So, where do thoughts come in to play? When we’re little, our thoughts are arranged by how we perceive life, and how we perceive life, all depends on what our parents have taught us. These thoughts, which we then expand on, is where free will takes over. We are not at the mercy of our thoughts. We can change them at any time. We are creators who use thoughts to create. It’s up to us to learn the facts of who we really are so that we can pick and choose our thoughts in order to create the life we want– in order to make our journeys the best we can make them.

It’s all about free will and learning that you are the ultimate creator who is NOT at anyone’s mercy. You have the choice of believing what you want. You have the choice of dismissing what others tell you. Belief is in the eye of the beholder, and what you believe is all that matters. Everyone’s thoughts and beliefs are different and you don’t have to believe anything that goes against you. If the thought feels good then just know it’s an absolute truth that resonates with your soul. And if the thought doesn’t feel good, then just know that it’s a lie and goes against your soul. Just follow what feels good to you, and you’ll be on track. DON’T LISTEN TO OTHERS!!!!!!! You are your own person with your own spirit and soul.

This is information that you may not want to believe or accept. But I’m telling you that if you will at least be open to learning more, you will absolutely take control of your life. You have choices. You always did and you always will.

Listen, life is nuts, but there’s hope. God is good. WE ARE NOT AT ANYONE’S MERCY.  We have thoughts, and we have the power to think what we want and to dismiss what we want. Be a leader. Listen to your gut.